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Microelectronics Group



PhD in Physics (1995) – Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Several years research experience in Universities and research institutions in Sofia (Bulgaria), Sankt-Petersburg (Russia), Gothenburg (Sweden), Manchester and Birmingham (UK)


Before joining
the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University I was working mainly on
thin-film structures and devices utilizing the unique properties of complex
metal oxides such as high-temperature superconductivity (YBa2Cu3O7),
ferroelectricity (Ba1-xSrxTiO3), colossal magnetoresistance
and spin-polarisation (La2/3Ca1/3MnO3),
magneto-optical response (Y3-xBixFe5O12).
Here at the Microelectronics Research Centre I take the responsibility of
managing the cleanroom facilities with more than 50 regular users. I do
also research on laser writing as method for direct patterning of device


Key publications: 
  • R A Chakalov, G Passerieux, I P Jones, P
    Mikheenko, J Ireland, R I Chakalova, M S Colclough, C M Muirhead,
    Materials aspects of laser-ablation-deposited cuprate/manganate
    bilayers for spin-polarized injection devices,
    Journal of Applied Physics, 98 (2005) 123908.
  • L Mechin, J-M Routoure, B Guillet, F Yang, S
    Flament, D Robbes, R A Chakalov,
    Uncooled bolometer response of a low noise La2/3Sr1/3MnO3
    thin film,
    Applied Physics Letters, 87 (2005) 204103.
  • S H Nagib, J R Cooper, J L Tallon, R S
    Islam, R A Chakalov,
    Doping phase diagram of Y1-xCaxBa2(Cu1-yZny)3O7-
    d from transport measurements: Tracking the
    pseudogap below Tc,
    Physical Review B, 71 (2005) 054502.
  • J Ireland, R Chakalov, M S Colclough, C M
    Spin-polarized injection into YBa2Cu3O7
    grain boundary junctions,
    Applied Physics Letters, 83 (2003) 725.
  • S Kahl, S I Khartsev, A M Grishin, K Kawano,
    G Kong, R A Chakalov, J S Abell,
    Structure, microstructure, and magneto-optical properties of laser
    deposited Bi3Fe5O12/Gd3Ga5O12
    (111) films,
    Journal of Applied Physics, 91 (2002) 9556.
  • M D Allsworth, R A Chakalov, M S Colclough,
    P Mikheenko, C M Muirhead,
    Superconductivity in thin-film YBa2Cu3O7-
    Applied Physics Letters, 80 (2002) 4196.
  • P Mikheenko, M S Colclough, C Severac, R
    Chakalov, F Wellhofer, C M Muirhead,
    Effect of spin-polarized injection on the mixed state of YBa2Cu3O7-
    Applied Physics Letters, 78 (2001) 356.
  • R A Chakalov, Z G Ivanov, Y A Boikov, P
    Larsson, E Carlsson, S Gevorgian, T Claeson,
    Fabrication and investigation of YBa2Cu3O7-
    thin film structures for voltage tunable devices,
    Physica C, 308 (1998) 279.
  • E S Vlakhov, R A Chakalov, R I Chakalova, K
    A Nenkov, K Dorr, A Handstein, K-H Muller,
    Influence of the substrate on growth and magnetoresistance of La0.7Ca0.3MnOz
    thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering,
    Journal of Applied Physics, 83 (1998) 2152.
  • R A Chakalov and M V Abrashev,
    Morphological and compositional changes of the target surface during
    RF magnetron sputtering of the Y-Ba-Cu-O system,
    Physica C, 223 (1994) 173.
Dr Radoslav A Chakalov

Contact Details

Microelectronics Research Centre
Cavendish Laboratory
University of Cambridge
J J Thomson Avenue
+44 (0)1223 337492
Not available for consultancy

